Computer Science and Communication Systems (CSCS)
July 4 – 22, 2016
Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud (HEIG-Vd)
Following the success of the 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 editions of the International University in Computer Science and Networking, a new edition will take place in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland. Advanced courses in the field of information technology will be taught in English by professors from SNU (Seoul National University) and HEIG-VD (Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud).
This program rich in cultural and scientific exchange is undoubtedly beneficial, even necessary for future engineers. In addition to the academic program, students and instructors will participate in cultural activities in order to foster cultural exchange between all participants.
Computer Networks
Prof. Ted « Taekyoung » Kwon, Seoul National University, Korea
Internet overview, IP addressing, subnetting/supernetting, IP routing, ICMP, DHCP, ARP, DNS, TCP, UDP, TCP congestion control, IP multicasting, Internet security, Internet of Things, Software Defined Networks.
The Art of Compiler Construction
Prof. Bernhard Egger, Seoul National University, Korea
Writing a compiler is considered to be a very challenging task. Indeed, writing a compiler not only requires knowledge of the most basic computer-science topics such as algorithms and data structures, but also a significant understanding of computer architecture. Compilers are also an excellent example of the interaction of theory and practice.
In this course, we are going to demystify compiler construction by building a simple, yet functional compiler. The course will take us through the main ideas of compiler construction from lexical analysis, parsing, abstract syntax trees, types and type checking, intermediate languages, code generation and runtime systems.
Course prerequisites: algorithms & data structures, programming, knowledge of C
Software reverse Engineering
Prof. Pascal Junod, HEIG-Vd, Switzerland
The goal of this lecture is to expose the problematics of software reverse engineering and software protection. After a short introduction about the goals and various uses of reverse engineering as well as the Intel and ARM architectures, we will explain the attack model that can be applied on a binary application, the format of ELF files, the different stages of the life of an executable when running on Linux and give a list of useful tools allowing to perform static and dynamic reverse engineering. Then, we will expose a few software protection techniques, such as obfuscation, code tamper-proofing and code watermarking. The practical parts will consist in breaking easy « crackmes » in a Linux environment.
Prof. Stephan Robert, HEIG-Vd, Switzerland
During the past decade Machine Learning, which is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed, has experienced huge progresses in the development of methods, models and practices. Machine Learning, which has given us practical speech recognition, effective web search, Netflix and Amazon recommendations, … is so pervasive today that certainly everyone is using it many times without knowing it. In this course you will learn about the main used Machine Learning techniques. Topics include : gradient descent, logistic regression model, neural networks, decision trees and unsupervised learning (clustering, feature engineering).
Participants (students)
SNU: Kiroong CHOE, Ye Jeong CHOI, Yeongjin CHOI, Seongi HONG, Taehee JEONG, Yeon Woo JEONG, Yurim JEON, Beomsu KIM, Hee Hoon KIM, Taekmin KIM
HEIG-Vd: Thomas Hernandez, Annie Sandra Dongmo Ngoumnaï, Laureline David, Mathieu Urstein, Michaël Rohrer, Benjamin Schubert, Pascal Sekley, Lucie Steiner, Samuel Darcey, Jean Ayoub, Basile Vu
- Morning schedule from your apartment to HEIG-Vd
- Location of St-Roch (HEIG-Vd)
- CFF timetables
- Buses in Yverdon (Travys), timetables
- Mobilis (Vaud)
- Chillon-Montreux, July 9
- Green Day, July 10
- Hiking at the Dent de Vaulion, July 16
- CERN-UN visit, July 18
- Canceled: Closing barbecue, July 21
- Final Bowling, July 21
Events in Western Switzerland
- Jazz Festival, Montreux, July 1-16, 2016
- Paleo Festival, Nyon, July 19-24, 2016
- Fête de la cité, Lausanne, July 5-10, 2016
Atrium, at the hearth of the new EPFL campus
It take approx. one hour to get there from Geneva Airport (Train tables):
- 4 courses of 20 hours (20 * 45 minutes)
- For Swiss students: Replaces a « cours à choix » (6th semester). You should be a regular student at HEIG-VD, 2nd year.
- For Korean students: 4 SNU credits, A-F scale.
- Required level in English: B2 or higher
- Pre-requisite: Object Oriented Programming and Networking
- A certificate of completion will be delivered to each student, with grades
- Prof. Stephan Robert (Academic Program Coordinator), stephan dot robert at heig-vd dot ch (cellular: +41 79 567 98 35)
- Cédric Junillon (International Relations Director), cedric dot junillon at heig-vd dot ch
- Ms. Corinne Perrenoud, corinne dot perrenoud at heig-vd dot ch
- Ms. Sabine Boulos, sabine dot boulos at vd dot ch
Former Courses
- Multiprocessor Programming (Prof. Englert, CSULB)
- Constraint Programming (Prof. Ebert, CSULB)
- Artificial Intelligence and Games (Dr. Feldmann, HEIG-Vd)
- Computer Graphics Applications (Prof. Teoh, SJSU)
- Scala (Prof. Horstman, SJSU)
- Image Processing (Prof. Kocher, HEIG-Vd)
- Introduction to CUDA programming (Prof. Robert, HEIG-Vd)
- Multicore and concurrent programming (Prof. Dasguptha, ASU)
- Web technologies (Prof. Monge, CSULB)
- Java EE6 for Elvis (Prof. Horstman, SJSU)
- Machine Intelligence (Prof. Andrès, HEIG-Vd)
- Linear and Non linear Image processing (F06a, Cheseaux, map)(Prof. Kocher, HEIG-Vd)
- Introduction to Ubiquitous Computing (Prof. Liechti, HEIG-Vd)
- Introduction to Bioinformatics (Prof. Sami Khuri, SJSU)
- Eco-Computing (Prof. Pearce, SJSU)
- Introduction to Python (Natasha Khuri, SJSU)
- Spatial localization and identification of objects based on video streams (Dr. De Siebenthal, HEIG-Vd)
- Wireless Network Security (Dr. Rubinstein, HEIG-Vd)
- Computer and Network Security (Prof. Dasguptha, ASU)
- Search Engines, Open Source Software (Prof. Horstman)
- Global Software Computing (Prof. Collofello, ASU)
- Service-Oriented Computing (Prof. Chen, ASU)
- Web Application Vulnerabilities (Prof. Buchs, HEIG-Vd)
- Rich Internet Applications (Prof. N. Khuri, SJSU)
- Agent based systems and Object Oriented Modelling (Prof. Pearce, SJSU)
- Development of data centric J2EE Web Applications (Prof. Monge, CSULB)
- Grid Computing (Prof. Courelis, CSUF)
- Malware analysis (Prof. Buchs, HEIG-Vd)
- Evolutionary algorithms (Prof. S. Khuri, SJSU)
- Distributed computing (Prof. Englert, CSULB)
Testimonies of Students
- This magical three-week-long ride in Switzerland is coming to an end. Thanks to everyone for all the help, support, and wonderful memories. To say I didn’t turn homesick would be dishonest, but the way practically everyone has bent over backwards to accommodate me and make me feel at home has been both touching and humbling. Thanks to all of my friends for all the memories! Special thanks to Stephan Robert, Jon Pearce, Shubha Ranganathan, Shrinivas P. Naik, Srinidhi Shankar Habbu, Anushree Prasanna Kumar, Prashasthi Prabhakar, Varshini Ramaseshan, Israel Torres, Karina Rosales, Bisma Janjua, and the countless others who held my hand when I stumbled, wiped my tears when I cried, and brought smiles to my face every single day.
- A great way to learn people from different cultures and be able to assist lectures that are not like the ones in Switzerland.
- A wonderful opportunity to experience mixed culture friendship along with some valuable lessons.
- The Summer University Program should be one of items on your bucket list. Don’t miss it for anything!
- Being able to network with students of similar interests and going on trips with them were great!
- Great program should be encouraged to be taken by other students
Emergency numbers
Police, 118
Fire brigades/pompiers, 117
Vital emergencies/Urgences vitals, 144
Non-vital emergencies/Urgences non vitales, 0848 133 133
Poisonings/intoxications, 145