Within the framework of a new European Interreg project of 2 millions CHFs in collaboration with the CHUV, the University of Franche Comté, CHU of Besançon and some companies, the HEIG-Vd has been entrusted with the mission of setting up a new artificial intelligence software for medical decision support which will allow the regulation centers (144 for instance), which have a major role in the organization and management of health resources (ambulances, medical helicopters), to adapt « very quickly » to each situation. The commitment of the most appropriate means and the preparation of hospital resources are crucial and must be optimized. We propose to integrate additional data allowing an optimal decision support such as the availability of the means, their location, the benefit of their use, the road traffic and the weather conditions,… The load of the emergency services and the downstream availability of the hospital beds by specialty must also be taken into account. Moreover, ideally, every individual should be able to benefit from the same emergency service, whether or not they are far from an urban center, response time can be crucial in the management of some patients. To solve this problem, we are considering several avenues. HEIG-Vd already has some experience in this field, notably in predicting the number of patients arriving at the emergency room according to external factors: agenda of large gatherings, weather forecasts, air quality index, epidemic (covid19 case), availability of Doctolib doctors, road traffic with the Google Maps API.
- 1st Worshop Interreg, December 2, 2021, Bio Innovation, centre de développement pour la médecine du futur, Université de Franche-Comté à Besançon, France
- 2nd Worshop Interreg, November 25, 2022, Auditoire R102, site de St-Roch, Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du canton de Vaud, Suisse
In the News
- La Revue Polytechnique, Système d’intelligence artificielle pour la régulation médicale des urgences, No 1872, May 2022
- Radio Télévision Suisse Romande (RTS) – Toutes Taxes Comprises (TTC), Avec l’intelligence artificielle les urgences disposent d’un outil qui permet d’identifier plus rapidement les urgences vitales, December 13, 2021
- ArcInfo, Urgences neuchâteloises: l’intelligence artificielle vole au secours du 144, August 28, 2021
- ICT Journal, Projet franco-suisse pour mieux traiter les appels aux urgences à l’aide de l’IA, August 20, 2021.
- 20 Minutes, L’intelligence artificielle à la rescousse du 144, August 19, 2021.
- Radio Chablais, L’intelligence artificielle se met au service du 144, August 19, 2021.
- Communiqué de presse CHUV. L’intelligence artificielle au secours de la régulation des appels d’urgence, August 19, 2021.
- Interreg: Système d’Intelligence Artificielle pour la REgulation Médicale des Urgences (SIA-REMU), 2021.
- HEIG-Vd-Actualités, Interreg : l’intelligence artificielle au service du 144, May 2021.
Research papers, conferences
- Coming soon…