A research project aiming to increase efficiency and decrease costs of daily activities in the hospital or clinic environment.
A CTI funded collaborative project between IICT and Calyps SA aiming to enrich their mediCAL analytical solution. Medical is a Swiss data analytics solution designed to easy interface with the information system of a clinic / hospital thanks to its non-invasive open and modular architecture.
Integration of several sources of data (as ERP Opale, Polypoint, …) of a Swiss clinic.Calculation of descriptive and predictive indicators and statistics (financial and operational performances) which are grouped into dashboards
Research into the use of machine learning to better predict performance indicators
- ICT-Journal, L’intelligence artificielle va optimiser la planification des opérations ambulatoires, July 5, 2018, https://www.ictjournal.ch/articles/2018-07-05/lintelligence-artificielle-va-optimiser-la-planification-des-operations
- 24-Heures, L’intelligence artificielle au secours des hôpitaux pour mieux remplir les blocs, June, 26, 2018 (Link2, FB) https://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/intelligence-artificielle-secours-hopitaux-mieux-remplir-blocs/story/10890185
Collaboration: Calyps SA