
Normes et autorités Internet

Standards IEEE
Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) (gestion des adresses IP au niveau international)
RIPE (gestion des adresses IP au niveau européen)
Switch (gestion des adresses IP et des noms de domaines en Suisse)

Quelques normes IEEE (GetIEEE)
IEEE 802.1D
IEEE 802.1Q
IEEE 802.1X
IEEE 802.11a
IEEE 802.11e
IEEE 802.11g
IEEE 802.11i
IEEE 802.16

 Quelques RFCs
RFC 791
– Internet protocol
RFC 792 – ICMP
RFC 768 – User Data Protocol
RFC 826 – ARP (An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol)
RFC 903 – RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
RFC 1631 – The IP Network Address Translator (NAT)
RFC 1918 – Address Allocation for Private Internet
RFC 2003 – IP Encapsulation within IP
RFC 2004 – Minimal Encapsulation within IP
RFC 2050 – Internet Registry IP Allocation Guidelines
RFC 2131 – DHCP
RFC 2328 – OSPF Version 2
RFC 2453 – RIP Version 2
RFC 2616 – Hypertext transfer Protocol
RFC 3031 – Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture
RFC 3177 – IAB/IESG Recommendations on IPv6 Address Allocations to Sites
RFC 3330 – Special use IPv4 Addresses
RFC 3344 – IP Mobility support for IPv4
RFC 3587 – IPv6 Global Unicast Address Format
RFC 4291 – Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Addressing Architecture
RFC 4632 – Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan
RFC 5156 – Special-Use IPv6 Addresses
RFC 5735 – Special-Use IPv4 Addresses
RFC 5736 – IANA IPv4 Special Purpose Address Registry
RFC 5737 – IPv4 Address Blocks Reserved for Documentation

Transition to IPv6 (source: Wikipédia)
RFC 2893Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers, obsoleted by RFC 4213 Basic Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers
RFC 2766, Network Address Translation — Protocol Translation NAT-PT, obsoleted as explained in RFC 4966 Reasons to Move the Network Address Translator — Protocol Translator NAT-PT to Historic Status
RFC 2185, Routing Aspects of IPv6 Transition
RFC 3493, Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6
RFC 3056, Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
RFC 4380, Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 over UDP through Network Address Translations NAT
RFC 4214, Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol ISATAP
RFC 3053, IPv6 Tunnel Broker
RFC 3142, An IPv6-to-IPv4 Transport Relay Translator
RFC 5569, IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
RFC 5572, IPv6 Tunnel Broker with the Tunnel Setup Protocol (TSP)

RFC 793 – Transmission Control Protocol
RFC 1122 – Requirements for Internet Hosts
RFC 2001 – TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, and Fast Recovery Algorithms
RFC 2018 – TCP Selective Acknowledgement Options (TCP Sack)
RFC 2309 – Recommandations on Queue Management and Congestion Avoidance in the Internet
RFC 2582 – The New Reno Modification to TCP’s Fast Recovery Algorithm.

RFC 2401
: Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol
RFC 2402: IP Authentication Header
RFC 2403: The Use of HMAC-MD5-96 within ESP and AH
RFC 2404: The Use of HMAC-SHA-1-96 within ESP and AH
RFC 2405: The ESP DES-CBC Cipher Algorithm With Explicit IV
RFC 2406: IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
RFC 2407: The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP
RFC 2408: Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)
RFC2409: The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
RFC 2410: The NULL Encryption Algorithm and Its Use With IPSec
RFC 2411: IP Security Document Roadmap
RFC 2412: The OAKLEY Key Determination Protocol
RFC 2245: The TLS Protocol Version 1.0


Introduction à Mobile IP, notes de cours, Stephan Robert, mars 2003
Planification des réseaux mobiles, notes de cours, Stephan Robert, juin 2003
Cours de réseaux, Pascal Nicolas
Quelques notions d’égalisation, notes de cours, Stephan Robert, janvier 2003
Eléments de cryptographie, notes de cours, Stephan Robert, mai 2003

Livres conseillés

Ouvrages généraux
Andrew Tanenbaum, « Computer Networks »
Kurose and Ross, « Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, »
Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, « Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, » , Morgan Kaufmann.
W. Richard Stevens, « TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols, » Addison-Wesley
W. Richard Stevens, « UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1: Networking APIs, » , Prentice Hall.
Douglas Comer, « Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1 »
Bertsekas and Gallager, « Data Networks » 

Ouvrages spécialisés
Brent Chapman, Elizabeth Zwicky ;  “Firewalls”;  Editon française ; O’Reilly, mai 1999.
Mark Lewis ; “Comparing, Designing, and Deploying VPNs” ; Cisco Press, 2006.
Jeff Doyle, « Routing TCP/IP », volumes 1 et 2, Cisco Press.
Sylvia Hagen, « IPv6 Essentials », O’Reilly.
Ciprian PopoviciuEric Levy-AbegnoliPatrick Grossetete, « Deploying IPv6 », Cisco Press.

Ressources diverses

Didacticiel sur IPv6
Webcast SANS IPv6
Test your IPv6 connectivity
Deploying IPv6 in Branch Networks (Cisco guidelines)
Deploying IPv6 in Campus Networks (Cisco guidelines)
World IPv6 Day: June 8, 2011

Migration IPv4 -> IPv6
Pôle de compétences en Bretagne, exemple de déploiement.
Marc Blanchet, Migrating to IPv6: A Practical Guide to Implementing IPv6 in Mobile and Fixed Networks, Wiley.
Ciprian Popoviciu, Eric Levy-Abegnoli, Patrick Grossetete, Deploying IPv6 Networks, Cisco Press.
Silvia Hagen, IPv6 Essentials, O’Reilly
IPv6 Deployment in the world (Wikipédia)

Understanding the IPSec Protocol Suite, Alcatel
Paul Ferguson, Geoff Huston; “What is a VPN?”; White Paper; Internet Protocol journal, Cisco, 1998.
Virtual Private Networking: An Overview” ; White Paper; Microsoft 1999.
Christian Tettamanti, Stéphane Kay ;  « Sécurité sur Internet », HEIG-Vd (EIVD), 2000.
Christian Tettamanti ;  « Tutorial VPN » ; Travail de diplôme, EIVD, 2000.

Internetwork Design Guide (Cisco)
Internetworking Technology Handbook (Cisco)
Internetworking Basics (Cisco)
Your Book case
Configuring the System (Switches Catalyst 2900 et 3500, Cisco)
OSPF Design Guide


Microsoft sur IPv6


Programmation sockets
Beej’s Guide to Network Programming

Softwares utiles

Wireshark – Analyseur de réseau
CactiApplication basée sur RRDTool avec une interface Web permettant de voir en temps réel ce qu’il se passe sur les différents composants du réseau.
NeDi – Outil permettant une analyse automatique de la topologie de tout un réseau pour en afficher les informations via une interface Web.
GNU Zebra et QuaggaRoutage sur Linux

News, Magazines et Conférences

Comsoc IEEE

Conférences et journaux pertinents

IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking
Computer Communication Review
Mobile Comuting and Communications Review
IEEE Networks
IEEE Communication Magazine
IEEE Wireless Communications
Internet Protocol Journal (de Cisco, en libre accès)

Articles phares

H. Zimmermann , “OSI Reference Model – The ISO Model of Architecture for Open Systems Interconnection”,IEEE Trans. On Comm., vol. COM-28, No 4, April 1980.
D. Clark , “The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols”,Proceedings of the Sigcomm’88 Symposium, August 1988.
V. Cerf, R. Kahn, « A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection « , Sigcomm’88, ACM, 1988.
R. M. Metcalfe , D. R. Boggs. “Ethernet: Distribution Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks”,Communications of the ACM, vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 395–404, July 1976.
J. H. Saltzer , D. P. Reed and D. Clark, “End-to-End Arguments in System Design”,ACM Transations on Computer Systems, November 1984.
B. Leiner, R. Cole, J. Postel, D. Mills, « The DARPA Internet Protocol Suite « , IEEE Communication Magazine, March 1985.
D. Johnson and C. Perkins, « Mobility Support in IP v6« , ACM Mobicom 1996, ACM, November 1996.
V. Paxson , « End-to-end Routing Behavior in the Internet« ,Proceedings of the Sicomm’96, August 1996.
C. Perkins, « Mobile IP« , IEEE Communications Magazine, May 1997.
V. Jacobson, M. Karels , « Congestion Avoidance and Control« ,Proceedings of the Sigcomm’88 Symposium, August 1988.
P. Mockapetris, K. Dunlap , “Development of the Domain Name System”,Proceedings of the Sigcomm’88 Symposium, August 1988.
Sally Floyd, Van Jacobson, « Random Early DEtection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance« , IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, August 1993
S. Floyd, V. Paxson : “Difficulties in simulating the internet,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 9, issue 4, pp. 392–403, August 2001.
Sonia Fahmy and Tapan Prem Karwa, « TCP Congestion Control: Overview and Survey of Ongoing Research« , Purdue University

Histoire de Internet (Vint Cerf, Singularity University)