Negative perceptions. Church dropouts. Prodigals and nomads. It’s easy to get discouraged by all that’s going wrong when it comes to Christianity and the emerging generation. Yet what’s going right? In fact, signs of hope are springing up all around. In Faith for Exiles, the author of unChristian and You Lost Me unveils major new Barna research that uncovers what’s working–five practices that contribute to resilience. Enter the world of resilient young adult Christians and learn how they are sustaining faith. Finally, you can find hope in all that God is doing among young disciples today.
Caught Between Cultures
In a world where always-connected smart devices and search algorithms educate and entertain, digital Babylon is the new context for discipleship. Faith for Exiles reveals findings from a groundbreaking three-year research study of young Christians whose faith remains resilient even in exile. Barna president David Kinnaman teams up with former executive director of Youth Specialties Mark Matlock to help you:
• Make sense of chaotic cultural changes and respond with compassion to the next generation of believers
• Recognize the biblical concept of exile as an essential framework for following Christ today
• Discover five research-based practices that cultivate faithfulness in digital Babylon
• Prepare young Christians to be on mission with Jesus in the world
• Empower Jesus followers of all ages to thrive in our current exile
Prenant acte de la caducité d’une métaphysique théiste déductive qui prétendrait conclure nécessairement de l’existence du monde à celle de Dieu, Richard Swinburne entreprend de tester l’hypothèse métaphysique de l’existence de Dieu, comme on testerait n’importe quelle hypothèse, sans néanmoins jamais la confondre avec une hypothèse scientifique. D’une part, il entend évaluer la probabilité intrinsèque du théisme : le théisme est-il aussi incohérent, arbitraire et inutilement compliqué qu’on le suppose ordinairement, comparé à l’hypothèse naturaliste ? D’autre part, Swinburne entreprend de tester le pouvoir prédictif du théisme : si Dieu existe, à quel genre de monde devons-nous nous attendre, quels états de choses, bons et mauvais, sont susceptibles d’être produits, quelle anthropologie sera la plus plausible ? Dès lors, l’hypothèse Dieu cesse d’être «infalsifiable ». Elle se prête à nouveau à la discussion rationnelle.
Other Books (to look at)
- The Legitimacy of Miracle, Robert A. Larmer, University of New Brunswick
- Reasonable Faith, William Lane Craig, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
- Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview, Moreland, J. P, Craig, William Lane
- Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World (Biblical Theology for Life), Douglas J. Moo, Jonathan A. Moo
Leading people
- Peter van Inwagen, Professor at the University of Notre Dame
- Alvin Plantinga, Professor at the University of Notre Dame
- William Lane Craig, Professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, California
- Oliver Crisp, Professor of systematic theology, Fuller Theological Seminary
- Richard Swinburne, Professor of philosophy at the Unversity of Oxford
- Nicholas Wolterstorff, Professor of philosophical theology at Yale University
- Henri Blocher, Professeur de théologie systématique au Wheaton College
- Jacques Ellul, Professeur d’histoire du droit et théologien protestant français
Christian Universities (Evangelical)
- Biola University, La Mirada, California
- Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
- Wheaton College Graduate School, Wheaton, Illinois
- Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts
- Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia
- Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas
- Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia
- Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois
- Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey
- Pepperdine University, Malibu, California
- Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississipi
Other Universities
Theology, divinity and religious studies (QS world university rankings 2018)